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Drug Name Search

By Alphabet

Select a letter to view drugs starting with that letter


  • T0
    Tier 0
  • T1
    Tier 1
  • T2
    Tier 2
  • T3
    Tier 3
  • T4
    Tier 4
  • NC
    Not Covered
  • NC
    Not Covered

† Denotes brand name drug, otherwise generic drug
generic names

Caterpillar Closed Formulary

Welcome to the Caterpillar Drug Formulary

This formulary applies to active Employees and certain Retirees that are covered by the prescription drug benefit provisions of the Caterpillar Inc. Employee Health, Life and Disability Benefit Program, the Caterpillar Inc. Retiree Benefit Program, the Caterpillar Inc. Group Insurance Plan A, and the Caterpillar Inc. Group Insurance Plan B.

What is a Formulary?

A formulary is a list of medications that are covered by the plan. The formulary is reviewed quarterly for possible additions and deletions. New generics for a covered brand name medication may be covered between quarterly updates based on plan approval and availability. Use of generic medication is required when generic is available.

The formulary is developed and maintained by a team of Physicians and Pharmacists based on product safety, efficacy, and clinical integrity. If a medication or product that has been prescribed for you or your covered dependents is not on the formulary, it is not a covered benefit. You will pay 100% of the full retail cost. You may wish to speak to your doctor for an alternative option.

How to Search For Drugs

  • Use the alphabetical list to search by the first letter of your medication
  • Search by typing part of the generic or brand name of the medication
  • Search by selecting the therapeutic class of the medication you are looking for
  • Plan Design

    Co-pay / Co-insurance Tiers

    This is the amount you will pay for medications covered under the plan after meeting your deductible (if applicable). Amounts are based on a 30-day supply unless otherwise noted.

    Drug TierIn-Network*
    Walmart, Kroger,
    Walgreens, CPRxN
    (All other Pharmacies)
    Mail Order/
    Home Delivery***
    (90-day Supply)
    Tier 0$0 $25 $0
    Tier 1$5 Walmart/ Kroger
    $10 Walgreens/ CPRxN
    $25 $30
    Tier 220% co-insurance
    Min $35 | Max $70
    30% co-insurance
    Min $60 | Max $130
    20% co-insurance
    Min $105 | Max $210
    Tier 350% co-insurance
    Min $85 | Max $135
    50% co-insurance
    Min $160 | Max $260
    50% co-insurance
    Min $255 | Max $405
    Tier 4
    50% co-insurance
    Min $110 | Max $210
    50% co-insurance
    Min $160 | Max $260
    Not offered

    *Includes affiliates of Walmart, Kroger, and Walgreens. Also includes Prime Therapeutic Pharmacy for Specialty Medications
    **Walgreens Mail Service (formerly Alliance Rx Walgreens Pharmacy)

    Preventive (PR)

    If you are enrolled in a Consumer-Directed Health Plan Option (CDHP), you may be required to pay the full cost of your medication until you reach your deductible. Please review the Consumer-Directed Health Plan Preventive Drug List on benefits.cat.com for those drugs that bypass the deductible. These drugs also can be identified by the label of ‘PR’ within the formulary list.

    Diabetic Supplies & Insulins

    The following over-the-counter (OTC) diabetic supplies and Insulins are covered under the prescription drug benefit with a valid prescription from your provider.

    Product DescriptionTierLimits & Restrictions
    Insulin Syringes1PR-Preventive Medication
    Lancets1PR-Preventive Medication
    QPD-Quantity Per Day
    Glucose Meters  
    Accu-chek2PR-Preventive Medication
    QL-Quantity Limit
    One Touch2PR-Preventive Medication
    QL-Quantity Limit
    All Other Brands3PR-Preventive Medication
    QL-Quantity Limit
    Glucose Test Strips  
    Accu-chek1PR-Preventive Medication
    QPD-Quantity Per Day
    One Touch1PR-Preventive Medication
    QPD-Quantity Per Day
    All Other Brands3PR-Preventive Medication
    QPD-Quantity Per Day
    0PR-Preventive Medication

    Health Care Reform (HCR)

    The list includes preventive care medications covered in accordance with the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), as modified by the Healthcare and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010. Certain preventive care medications are covered at 100% by the plan if you use an In-Network Pharmacy. If you use an Out-of-Network Pharmacy, you will be subject to the applicable co-pay or co-insurance. These medications are labeled as ‘HCR’ on this formulary listing. For additional information on preventive care medications covered by the plan, visit: healthcare.gov/center/regulations/prevention.html or uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org

    Additional Information

    Please refer to your summary plan description (SPD) provided at CatHealthEnrollment.bswift.com

    If you have questions about your prescription drug coverage, you can also call Prime Therapeutics Customer Service toll-free at 1-877-228-7909 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

    The information regarding alternatives is not intended and should not be construed, in any way, as medical advice, opinion, diagnosis or as advice about the treatment of any specific medical condition. You should consult with your physician regarding your particular health needs and whether any of the alternative treatments are right for you. In the event that the content of this document or any representations made by any person regarding the plan conflict with or are inconsistent with the provisions of the plan document, the provisions of the plan document are controlling. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Caterpillar reserves the right to amend, modify, suspend, replace or terminate any of its plans, policies or programs, in whole or in part, at any time and for any reason, by appropriate company action.

    Nondiscrimination + Languages Notice